Tri-State Land Use Council
The Tri-State Land Use Council A regional partnership that provides elected and public officials with a nonpartisan platform for networking, learning, collaborating, and action addressing issues related to land use policy, urban and suburban growth, economic development, housing, transportation, and market trends. Participation will be offered exclusively to mayors, city managers, and other appropriate elected representatives and public officials in planning, economic development, housing, and transportation who serve within the New York metro region.
Provides an opportunity for regional public officials to:
- Convene on a regional, multi-jurisdictional basis in a closed-door setting
- Curate agendas for discussion with your peers on topics of interest to your jurisdiction
- Learn best practices in real estate development for promoting regional economic competitiveness and strategies to attract development for the wellbeing of your jurisdiction and the region
- Draw upon ULI best practices, resources, and expertise for solutions
- Build relationships with a trusted network of regional officials and identify opportunities for cross jurisdictional collaboration. Interested in joining? For more information please contact Mara Winokur at [email protected].
Discussion topic areas include:
- Leveraging real estate for economic development
- Creation of complete communities
- Economic vitality
- Regional market trends
- Office/industrial park conversion
- Tax policy
- Commercial corridor redevelopment
TSLUC Steering Committee
Art Collins, Collins Enterprises LLC
Robert Paley, MTA
Jennifer Rimmer
Eric Rothman, HR&A
Anne Studholme, Post Polak Goodsell & Strauchler
For more information, please contact Sofia Guerrero via e-mail at [email protected] or call 917-773-8834.