Since 1947, ULI has harnessed the multidisciplinary expertise of its members to help communities solve difficult land use, development, and redevelopment challenges on behalf of government agencies and community-based nonprofits. At the local level, this is accomplished through a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP). ULI WCF serves as the “honest broker,” bringing all stakeholders together in an environment free of politics and preconceptions, to provide direction for challenging land use problems.
ULI Westchester/Fairfield’s Technical Assistance Panels (TAPs) provide a unique, market-based perspective to address a broad range of issues including strategies for revitalizing corridors or specific properties; analyzing the re-use potential of existing properties; identifying key economic and land use issues relating to public/private land use situations; long-range visioning for corridors or nodes; evaluating specific development and land proposals or issues; market feasibility analysis, financial analysis and structuring, and more.
How Does a TAP Work?
Each TAP is comprised of 8-15 senior-level members of ULI WCF, representing a broad range of disciplines. Panelists are selected based on the needs for each assignment and are pre-screened to ensure that no conflict of interest exist. Depending on the assignment, panel expertise typically includes developers and owners, investors, land-use attorneys, architects, planners, engineers, market and financial analysts, and members of the public and not-for-profit sectors.
Over an intensive one-to-two day working session, experts address key questions about a specific development issue or policy barrier within a defined geographic area. A one-day TAP is typically applied to a single building or parcel (less than five acres) while larger areas require a two-day TAP or possibly more.
Over the course of the TAP, panelists tour the study area, meet with stakeholders, and work collaboratively to produce an initial report of findings which are presented on site at the conclusion of the panel. Within 4-6 weeks after the panel is completed, all findings and recommendations are provided in a professionally written and detailed report, providing a roadmap for success.
The success of a TAP is dependent on the applicant’s determination of key questions for the panel to address, and on assembling all relevant background information and resources. The applicant must provide a list of key stakeholders and community leaders to be interviewed, identify an appropriate meeting location, schedule interviews and arrange a site tour.
TAP Application 2024-2025
For more information about the ULI WCF TAP program, please reach out to our staff, Mara Winokur